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​5 Tips For Handling & Storing Fiber Optic Cables

Proper maintenance of fiber optic cables ensures years of reliable performance.  Here are some tips you can follow when handling and storing fiber optic cables

1. Keep Cable Connectors Clean and Dry

Before using fiber optic cables, clean the connectors on the cable and on the cables or ports the cable is connected to. Connectors can easily be contaminated by dust, oils from hands, film residue condensed from air vapors, and coatings left after water and solvents evaporate. Moisture can also corrode cable terminations, so store cables in dry areas.

Fiber End Face Before and after cleaning

2. Leave Dust Caps On Until Ready to Connect

Dust caps keep contaminants and moisture away from the connector and protect it from damage. After removing a dust cap, inspect and clean the ferrule before connecting to another cable or device. Only use cleaning products intended for fiber optic connectors.

fiber optic dust caps fiber optic cleaning kit

3. Take It Easy

Fiber cables are extremely durable consisting of cladding, coatings, and jackets that protect the delicate glass strands and provide strength. Still, if mishandled,the glass strands can fracture which affects signal transmission.

fiber cable cross section

4. Test for Failure Points

Exceeding the bend radius or crush resistance ratings of the cable can affect performance, so use a visual fault locator (VFL) to find any failure points or a power meter to determine if there is signal loss.

fiber optic cable failure points

5. Avoid Tangled Cables

Coil fiber optic cables and secure connectors with hook and loop type fasteners. Since compressed cables could cause signal loss, avoid using plastic zip ties. When zip ties are the only solution, cinch the zip ties loosely.

fiber optic cable ties

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